Wedding full of fun and laughter

Information technology was lovely to see DP Marquees again who arrived to put upwardly their ii pole marquee on the lower lawn. They lined the marquee with white and hung fairy lights from the ceiling. Chairs were unloaded and matting laid. britain - tents, wedding, party marquees for hire in Dorset.

The following day so many suppliers and friends arrived that there was gridlock in the drive.

Rob Beale making sure that his trailer loo is ready correctly -
Rob Beale | Liquid waste disposal and temporary toilet rent in -

DP marquees returned with more furniture and hay-bales were delivered by Dorset Subcontract Party - 01258 455 319 / kingdom of great britain and northern ireland/ - some for in forepart of the marquee and some for the camping ground. Here DP had erected a stretch tent for chilling out, consummate with sofas and a second bar and festive banners to each side and Honeybells / https://world wide - had put up a bell tent city.

Sorrels Catering began to lay tables and arrange their catering tent and to discuss with the groom the stocking of the bar. Each place setting had a beautiful beaker decorated with pictures of the couple's landrover - with the bride checking under the bonnet - and the couple continuing by the Ha Ha gate on the lawn - the first of many original, fun ideas.

Sorrels Catering from Wimborne -

Boards showing table plans and a time line for the next solar day were placed on easels and a hamper put out for congratulation cards. A croquet set and a giant Jenga waited set up to take their identify on the lawns.

The nuptials solar day brought the groom and friends to motility the chairs from the marquee to their place by the dining room steps. The video equipment had its final test and chimera guns were placed on each chair - a wonderful replacement for confetti and a great striking on our Instagram page!

Beautiful flowers in all shades of pink and cream arrived - some arranged inside fiddling wooden lanterns for the heart of the tables, others made upwardly into great assurance for the tent poles and more appeared in the porch ready to be collected by the bridal party - so quickly put in place but following, I retrieve, many hours of preparation past Kerry Greenway from Dorchester - 07871 834 446

Fifty-fifty the ancestors were made ready for the arrival of the bride.

The stage was now set, the bestman and groomsmen hastily finished putting on their ties and everything was prepare for the guests who began to arrive and gather on the lawn before taking their places for the ceremony.

The bride's car drew up by the front door accompanied past her mother and bridesmaids . She looked really lovely in a voile clothes with a lace bodice, no veil, just her hair very simply drawn back from her face and threaded with pearls. Two developed bridesmaids accompanied her - one in antiquarian rose and the other in navy blueish - and one very pretty younger flower daughter also dressed in rose.

The bride was existence given away by her mother, who looked amazing in navy and reddish, and they slowly made their style round the house to where the groom was somewhat nervously awaiting them.

The couple went up the steps, which were flanked by great pots of petunias, grown past the helpmate'due south mother, to start the anniversary, which went off without a hitch. Then the moment that even the registrar had been waiting for - the firing of the chimera guns!

The bubbles connected to provide entertainment with both onetime and young as drinks were served and guests began to play with the Jenga and croquet. Formal and non and then formal photographs were taken, including one from an upstairs window.

All the astonishing photographs, not marked "in House", were taken past Martin Bong - https://world wide

Soon it was time for the bride and groom to enter the marquee equally a married couple. There a feast awaited them.

With speeches over, Martin Bell took them off to take more photographs taken in the gardens.

Soon they were back in the marquee to cutting their block, a three layered "naked" cosmos, with a waterfall of flowers downward one side., which had been made past the groom's Sis in law.

Then the political party really began with the couple taking to floor for their start trip the light fantastic to the audio of Riccy and Grace Mitchell, friends of the Helpmate. ( the bride revealed her secret for fugitive sore feet - amazing trainers with blue and rose laces).

As darkness barbarous, Jonathan Henwood Ross, a friend of the Groom - took over with drum and base music which shook the house!

Midnight brought the stop to the music but not the end of the party which connected circular the fire pit in the camping ground area, until everyone retired to their bell tents to sleep for what remained of the dark.

Information technology could not have been a more perfect twenty-four hours.

Tipi wedding full of flowers

The following day with the Tipis in identify and the lord's day coming out it looked much more hopeful for a wonderful day on Saturday. The chairs were put out for the anniversary, minus their seats in case of a little rain, and suppliers began to arrive to make it thick and fast!

One time George, ane of our wonderful gardeners, had moved the pots by the gazebo, Whitestem, arranged the nearly amazing arch over the entrance. This was fabricated of Star Jasmine and smelt divine. They had also brought some free standing hearts to identify at the end of the aisle and 1 of their large ' shaggy' olive trees for the inside of the tipi. This was to exist used to hang adept wishes on. Tel: 07985 613572Email:

Dorset Demote Hire set up arranged benches and tables on the backyard prepare for guests to relax. - these later on had candles laid out past the All-time Human.

In House

Abbas Marquees put the concluding touches to the interior of the Tipis and laid matting, with lighting to either side of the path from the tipis to the gate on the Ha Ha. Sofas and chairs were in identify, tables arranged and the about amazing lighting system hung from the roof which really came into it's own later on dark. A caster organization was bundled to enable the florist to hoist her flowers high into the air. A copper bar was set ready for the next twenty-four hour period - this had a distorted surface as you can see where my legs and crocs are reflected - along with comfy looking sofas.

(Amanda Oramas: +44 020 3983 6773 , )

With the interior set up the Florist and her administration came in the afternoon to outset her decorating, bringing with her more incredible white flowers that I have ever seen in ane place earlier! Even the jasmine arch was to have more flowers inserted into it the following twenty-four hour period - https://world wide T: 078 997 28596 / STEPH@STEPHANIEJEVONS.COM /

Honeybells arrived to set up their bong tents in the glamping field and we added decorations and furniture to our one in the walled garden set for the hymeneals night.

(07817 672 502,

Every bit the front of the tipi was open, information technology was thought to be safer to bring all the service sheets, props, table plans etc into the house until the morning where they covered the dining room tabular array.

Before the couple left we tied "police aware" tape beyond the front to the tipi to stop the deer from going in and making themselves comfortable!

The great day dawned, bringing the Groom and his All-time Man to accept out the finishing touches from the dining room. In the tipi, labels were put ready to hang on the wishing tree and the tabular array plan was gear up by the entrance.

Outside, amazing hand made hoopla and other ball games appeared on the lawn - all beautifully painted in white and gold and a handmade signpost took it'southward place by the HaHa. The Best Human being ready out a photographic guessing game while bottles with candles were arranged on the picnic tables - some with ferns or leaves inside and some decorated with pearls, all made by the bride's mother.

The florist returned and the ceremony area was transformed into an incredible floral bower!

A handcrafted mail service box stood fix for cards at the commencement of the aisle and a sign encouraging guests to shower the married couple with confetti stood beside it. The confetti was made up of tiny hearts cut from leaves past the helpmate's parents - a real labour of beloved.

The inside of the tipis looked absolutely amazing with white flowers everywhere - some stood on stands on the tables and some in smaller arrangements and others spilled from swell circles hanging from the ceiling.

The tables themselves had been beautifully arranged with leaves as place names and footling games set gear up for the younger guests.

The block arrived, three tiers, with very original green icing continuing the leaf theme and extraordinarily lifelike saccharide flowers round the base, saved from the Bride's parents own nuptials. With everything in place, information technology was time for the groom and his helpers to go and change ready for the arrival of the registrars, the guests and the bride. ( / )

Every bit Guests began to get in and have their places, Lucy-Anne Machin began to play from her place at the side of the gazebo. ( )

Shortly it was time for the inflow of the bride! She looked stunning in a satin sheath dress embellished at wrists and waist with cute pearl embroidery. A very long pearl encrusted veil flowed from the pearls twisted in her hair. Her two adult bridesmaids were dressed in greenish with asymmetric hemlines.

Earlier walking downwards to the gazebo with her mother and begetter, the bride went into the house to meet the Registrars and to have some photographs taken on the stairs and in the dining room.

The anniversary was conducted in vivid sunshine and included an actress element - a sand ceremony where the couple pledged to join the residual of their lives together by each pouring sand into a single container.

Shortly they were coming back down the aisle being showered with confetti.

Equally guests followed them to lawn past the house, Ecco-Gelato started serving the well-nigh succulent ice creams with the bride and groom as their showtime customers. (01935 813 659,

Vanilla, who were doing all the catering, circulated with canapes and Lucy started to play again. (Emerge Ann Pickles: 01489 589 275, Gemma Eldridge: kingdom of great britain and northern ireland /

Formal photographs were taken, including a group i from an upstairs window and and so the couple went off to have more than taken in the gardens - and to practice their first dance.

Photographs finished, the couple returned to the tipis where their guests were all seated prepare to commencement their nuptials breakfast. The first of the bands began to play. (Joe'southward Jazz - Joseph Limburn: 07931 798 659, / house)

As darkness barbarous the lights in the tipis and the gardens came into their own.

Soon it was time to cut the block and for the couple to take to the flooring for their first trip the light fantastic toe, followed by a night of music from the Atlantic Soul Orchestra (Josh Watkins (band managing director): 07340 117 020, /

The party connected until midnight when the music stopped and the couple went to find their Bong Tent in the Walled garden.

Adjacent morning, guests were all the same full of energy and after brunch on the lawn played very competitive 5 a side Football in an inflatable pitch! -All the post-obit are in house pictures. (Andrea Smith: 07899 003 769, / )

Guests complanate on the lawns for a while earlier helping to tidy up - the stop of an amazing weekend - total of laughter and hugely well organised!! Judging from the much appreciated give thanks you card, the couple had enjoyed every moment too.

Beautiful Blue and White Wedding

The weather condition forecast for the Saturday was dreadful merely the helpmate remained hugely positive and she was proved right! The clouds were gathering as the marquee went upwardly in the field just our farmer likewise was firm that it would be fine for the wedding ceremony. (Sean from Affordable Marquees - kingdom ). Jacques & Co. (world wide provided benches and tables which were prepare out on the main lawn ready for the evening repast on Saturday.

The following twenty-four hour period the helpmate and groom arrived to decorate the marquee and grounds.  With the sky still very threatening, we discussed the possibility of having to concord the anniversary in the marquee and so going into the business firm to echo the vows. Chairs stacked ready past the trip the light fantastic floor just in instance.

Handmade signposts were put in place to direct guests to their called spot and two rustic tables appeared downwardly one side of the marquee - one with a guest book and photographs of the couple'south grandparents on their nuptials 24-hour interval and the other with jars of biscuits for guests to snack on in the afternoon and a niggling case of tattoos to decorate themselves - very pop with the children.

The bar – a beautifully decorated horsebox – rolled up and took upwardly position in front of the marquee.  I suggested that a gazebo be place between it and the marquee to enable admission IF it rained the next day.  Ditto one for access to the Photo booth and Pizza van arriving on Saturday evening.  (The Copper Still Bar - )

The caterers - kingdom of great britain and northern ireland/ - arrived and tables were arranged and laid. Beautifully thought-out table settings were put in the eye of each 1 - collections of former books and succulents in little terracotta pots.  Each kid had a bag with their name on it, bulging with goodies to proceed them amused and each adult a wrist band with the couple's names on.

A pallet hung with a drove of unlike frames was put in place to direct guests to their tables - the Head table for the helpmate and groom was particularly beautifully decorated.

Confetti, service sheets and Nibbles for the adjacent day were stored along the side of the marquee.

Continuing her book theme, the helpmate had spent hours making bunting out of quondam paperbacks which she had carefully folded into rosettes.  She hung this across the centre of the marquee and along both sides.

We lent some galvanised and enamel jugs and watering cans to add to those collected past the bride and soon beautiful bluish and white flowers were being arranged in them – some for the marquee and some for the gazebo.

in house

In business firm

Many of the friends and relations who had come to help had found time during the twenty-four hour period to gear up upward their tents in the outer walled garden so now the merely matter left to do was to practice for the ceremony!

The day of the wedding arrived – the atmospheric condition was not adept until the clouds lifted afterward a shower at 11am.  The gods were with them! Determination fabricated to go ahead with an outside ceremony, the groom and his groomsmen carried the chairs down to gazebo lawn.  The seats were stacked in the gazebo merely in instance! The flowers were placed on either side of the gazebo

The sun came out – seats went onto the chairs with a service sheet on each one and the PA system was prepare up and tested gear up to play the ceremony music.

Props appeared out of the marquee - umbrellas and sunglasses to the forepart of the house, forth with a welcome sign and lawn games onto the big lawn

The almost amazing cake from Caked Patisserie arrived - - iii layers of white icing, busy with brownish and blue flowers and a photograph of the bridal couple on the meridian.

The Groom and Groomsmen hurriedly changed, nerveless their buttonholes from the front end porch of the firm - everything was fix for the arrival of the first guests.

The bridal political party had stayed at the Cashmoor Inn the night before - . As the Bride had predicted, the dominicus was shining, as she and her father arrived at Shillingstone Firm. She was wearing a simple, very beautiful dress of fine voile with a lace bodice. Her hair had been intricately plaited at the dorsum and twisted with blue and white flowers. She carried a boutonniere of the aforementioned.

Photographs over, everyone made their fashion over to the catalpa tree on the lawn to await the point to process down to the Gazebo for the ceremony. The two small bridesmaids went kickoff, scattering confetti from tiny baskets as they went. They were followed past the five adult attendants. All were dressed in a lovely shade of blue/grey merely in varying styles and carried bluish and white flowers.

The helpmate and her very proud father brought upward the rear. They were met by a peradventure somewhat nervous bridegroom!

As the bride and groom and their witnesses signed the official documents, they were serenaded by a group of friends. And then having been been presented with their marriage certificate, they made their triumphant mode back down the alley under a sea of confetti. More confetti awaited them on the top lawn!

Guests went to option up their welcome drink of cider from the bar, who had used one of the emergency gazebos to keep this cool rather than dry. Pretzels and pop corn circulated and Sam Scott ( a family unit friend) began to play his guitar. Guests shortly discovered the many lawn games including the cricket - luckily using a soft brawl.

While guests were enjoying themselves on the lawns, Jessica Hayman took the bride and groom to have some photographs taken in the walled garden.

On their render, Jessica began to whisk family unit and close friends into groups for the more formal - and some not so formal - photographs before coming into the firm to accept a large group photograph from an upstairs window.

Time for the bride and Groom to enter the marquee equally Mr and Mrs Brain. A feast awaited them, cooked by Meeks Catering, of barbecued steak and craven accompanied by an array of salads with a succulent selection of cakes to follow. Andrew Meeks kindly took well-nigh of the following excellent photographs.

As speeches were fabricated in the marquee the evening entertainment arrived. This was not piece of cake and involved a lot of maneuvering to avert driving into the Ha Ha merely eventually the Dorset Pedaling Pizza Visitor - and the How-do-you-do Honey Caravan Photobooth - https://world wide - were both in identify. Both were much enjoyed by the guests. The pizza van produced a center shaped pizza for the bride and groom

Equally darkness fell, it was time for the starting time dance and the party began and with dancing standing, to the sound of the band. Pop the Pinnacle until Midnight.

Music over, the party retired to camping area to chat round the burn down pit earlier the bride and groom retired to our bell tent in the Walled Garden, decorated, very appropriately in blue and white.

The party did non finish in that location as the campers all met for a huge breakfast round the firepit. It had been an amazing weekend.

Guest photograph

First Big Wedding of the yr!

It was just wonderful to agree a total nuptials here once again. We were a piddling rusty in remembering everything to put out and get fix, not made easier by the fact that we were both in Isolation until the night before the wedding!

Collins Marquees arrived on the Wednesday to put up the marquee on the lower backyard - It was a large 3 pole traditional marquee. - Earlier they left they strung garlands of eucalyptus leaves from the ceiling made by Emma from Martha and the Meadow flowers - https://world wide

The post-obit solar day, Honeybells arrived to put up a Bong Tent village on the Glamping Ground -

Honeybells -

Bell Tent City - In House

Bell Tent Urban center - In Business firm

On the day of the wedding, Emma, the florist arrived with centre pieces and lanterns for the tables - they were absolutely stunning and brought to life the unusual but hugely effective theme of dark grey and raspberry pink. The theme was continued onto the place markers and the table laid out for cards and presents.

The Caterers, put the final flourishes in place and the stage was gear up. - The catering visitor, Sorrels of Wimborne is owned past the parents of the helpmate.

Emma, the florist had also left two huge beautiful bunches of flowers in the porch to requite to the female parent of the bride and the mother of the groom. These nestled in past the marble ancestors who were dressed up specially for the nuptials.

The bride and Groom were married in the aboriginal church building of Wimborne Minster. The helpmate looked then beautiful in a very merely cut dress of taffeta over a stiff underskirt which suited her to perfection.


The helpmate'south surname was Bond so what else could the couple use to arrive here in except an Aston Martin DB5 ! The five adult bridesmaids who were dressed in very attractive dark grey dresses with cross-over tops and carried dark pink and pale pink flowers, arrived in a vintage Alvis which belong to a family friend.

(The Aston Martin was hired from Premier Railroad vehicle Wedding cars https://world wide )

Equally guests arrived they were greeted with drinks and and delicious canapes on the lawn.

In the background Helena Bartlett and the other members of her Quartet played a selection of classical tunes which added a lovely festive feeling to the day. - - 0747209534

Whilst their guests were mingling, the bride and groom had the starting time of many wonderful, relaxed photographs taken by Darren Lovell - britain - he has taken all the photographs in this blog except those saying I/H - "in house" or otherwise.

First beautiful shots done, the bride and groom fabricated their way into the Marquee where guests stood to applaud the inflow of Mr and Mrs Brady.

Anybody settled down to enjoy the succulent meal produced by Sorrels. The Helpmate's father had been slaving at the stove cooking some of this all-encompassing menue the day earlier but now was his time to sit back and relish himself.

With speeches finished, guests spilled out to explore the gardens and grounds or have their pictures fatigued past the Caricaturist, Paul Tyler - britain.

Meanwhile, the bride and groom grabbed the moment to accept photographs taken in the walled garden.

Every bit evening fell, guests returned to the marquee for the cutting of the cake and the beginning trip the light fantastic. The cake was a towering creation of pink iced layers decorated with tiny pink macaroons and flowers.

Before long the light began to fade and the caterers for the evening repast started to serve their food - a meltingly juicy squealer roast from Sorrels and ice creams with a deviation from The Water ice Chef - - here the ices are made individually on an ice cold sheet, rolled when ready and popped into containers - they were delicious!

The evening was beautifully warm and some guests continued to socialise outside, although information technology was too night to play the lawn games that had been put out earlier.

The party continued until the witching hour of midnight.

By then the rain had begun to fall. It had been forecasted for much earlier in the evening then they had been very lucky. Sadly this meant that they were unable to continue to chat circular the firepit.

Nosotros took out umbrellas for the bride and groom to utilize on their way to the Bridal Tent in the Walled Garden.

In house Photograph

In business firm Photograph

The adjacent morning, the rain had stopped and guests sleepily made their manner across the lawns to the marquee where a delicious breakfast, cooked over again by Sorrels, awaited them. They all said that they had slept well despite the clashes of thunder during the night.

Tidy upward followed, with everyone leaving virtually 5pm - it had been the most fantastic weekend - an amazing way to kickoff full size weddings again.


It sadly became obvious that Covid was not going to let a full commemoration in June. Undaunted, one of our couples decided to take their vows this twelvemonth on the day that they had planned and party in 2022.

The wedding was organised circular the thirty people allowed and All Seasons Marquees arrived on the Thursday to put up a beautiful "Chinese Hat" marquee to give cover for the guests. This was the perfect size. Kitty who is commonly in charge of the squad was missing equally she was preparing for her 30th Birthday!

In house photgraph

In firm photgraph

https://world wide Tel:: 07580121046


The following day, the couple and their friends and relations arrived to decorate the gazebo and put the chairs in place. These had lace and hessian runners, beautifully created by the Bride, attached to the backs and were adjust in "Bubbles" to allow guests to sit with families every bit permitted under the electric current Covid rules. The helpmate had also twisted ropes of leaves and pinkish silk roses round the entrance to the gazebo.

Saturday brought the groom with their "babies", two shih tzu dogs who were destined to bring the rings!


He checked that everything was in place and put upwardly two beautifully painted signs on easels - one welcoming everyone to the wedding and one written in loving memory of those who could no longer be with them.

Soon it was time for the Registrars to arrive and the groom went into the dining room to come across them. Paperwork finished he was quickly dispatched out of the french windows to greet his guests on the lower lawn and the scene was clear for the bride to arrive at the front end door.

She looked fantastic in a dress of tulle with a white lace bodice and an amazing railroad train that spread out behind her but sensibly clad in white trainers! Having seen the Registrars, it was time to get together, with her three adult bridesmaids dressed in pale green and her Maid of Honor in violet, fix to go down with her father, under the catalpa tree to the Gazebo.

The groom was ready and waiting as the registrar asked the guests to be ethical for the bride and the service went off without a hitch with the shih tzus very much role of the proceedings.

After the ceremony formal photographs were taken on the lawns past Daneil Keckes from DK Wedding Photography - 07886 005943 / - who is based in Bournemouth. He took all the photographs not marked every bit in firm.

With these finished, the guests departed for the reception and the bride and groom went off to have some more informal pictures taken in the gardens.

And some even more breezy ones in the remains of the old railway and by the tractor in the playground!

Fourth dimension now for the bride and groom to leave for their reception - if the faultless planning and fun of their rehearsal is duplicated next yr, it volition be an astonishing celebration.