The Art of Disney Costuming Heroes Villains and Spaces Between

The Art of Disney Costuming: Heroes, Villains, and Spaces Betwixt

Profile Image for Adrienne Organa.

230 reviews v followers

Jan 23, 2020

The first where it focused more than on history and imagineering was great, but when it got to the actual costumes it was a very odd choice of assortment. I felt this was more an advertizing for Disney Plus rather than a comprehensive expect at Disney costumes. I flipped through to admire all the photos, only didn't finish up reading it all the way through.

Profile Image for Liz.

844 reviews v followers

December xviii, 2021

The close ups of these pieces were stunning. It fabricated the amount of time spent on them very credible.

I did wish the information about the designers were a bit more a summary resume of their works and the book itself is coffee table sized and then it'southward a chip unwieldy to actually read through, but information technology facilitates beautiful images and a solid overview of costuming.

Profile Image for Shona.

61 reviews

Jan 28, 2021

Beautiful close-up images of all the live action Disney costumes, and information technology provides some great insights into how the designers used the costumes to help create the characters. There's so much item information technology's impossible to run across on the screen so this book was great for learning nigh the level of item, thought and backstory that go into even something as small as which buttons to use on a character's coat.

    Profile Image for Amber.

    161 reviews one follower

    Edited February 12, 2022

    For any costuming fan, Disney fan, and Disney costuming fan, this book is for you! It is an in-depth wait into some of the costumes that Disney films have produced, starting with their blitheness days.

    In the first blithe films Disney produced, the animators would often describe the characters from life, meaning that actors/models would be dressed in the costumes so in that location had to exist a real, tangible costume for the person to habiliment. They were frequently exaggerated with blackness lines outlining unlike shapes on the cloth, in order for the artists to come across how the fabric moved when the actors would act out the scene.

    The book moves to a beautiful report of Cinderella'southward apparel, spanning from the original blitheness, to the ballgown in Disney's version of Roger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella, the ballgown in Into the Forest, the ballgown in the 2015 live action remake, and Cinderella's iconic dress in the idiot box series Once Upon a Fourth dimension. I think this was the first costume written report because the dress itself is so iconic and and then easily recognizable that it was deemed a introduction costume.

    From there, we go three full sections devoted to Dwelling in Darkness (Villains), Spaces Between (those who aren't quite heroes but non really villains), and Living in the Light (Heroes).

    Each costume is printed beautifully and featured on a full folio, with some having another two folio spread accompanying information technology.

    The designer gets a little department at the end of each costume stating where they studied, what other movies they've worked on (Disney or non), and their achievements/awards. If the designer had been previously mentioned, then of form they don't repeat this. My only complaint in this volume lies in the fact that there are no photos of the designers. I would accept liked to accept seen a face that I could put with the names of the designer.

    Overall this book was fantastic. I had it on my Amazon wishlist and my bestie got it for me Christmas. I was surprised at the size of the volume. It was mode bigger that I was expecting, just information technology helped to really exist able to encounter the detail on each costume. 10/10 recommend.

    Profile Image for Stephanie.

    185 reviews 12 followers

    March 7, 2021

    What a beautiful book! Getting so up close to these pieces is scenic—the particular that goes into costume design incredible.

    I do wish in that location had been more than older costumes featured, just every bit shown on shows similar Disney+'south Prop Civilization a lot of these things weren't kept rail of and have since disappeared. I appreciated all the dissimilar outfits that were included.

      Profile Image for Melissa.

      258 reviews 16 followers

      October 29, 2019

      This is a must read for fans of all things Disney, if non for the colorful, up-close photographs of some of your favorite costumes and so for the backstories on the costume designers and details behind how some of these costumes came to be!

        Profile Image for Amanda.

        181 reviews 6 followers

        December 22, 2019

        Fascinating stories, glorious photos. Not long enough. I want to read about and run into the details on ALL the costumes!

          Profile Image for Chrisanne.

          2,168 reviews 60 followers

          September 15, 2020

          Dandy visuals. But I would accept liked more focus on older films. Oh well. That's probably some other book.

          Profile Image for Sonia.

          85 reviews

          Feb 19, 2021

          Si eres fan de Disney y además te apasiona el vestuario de cinematics, tienes que tener este libro.
          Este, se encuentra estructurado:
          - Primero: introducción a los inicios del vestuario en Disney.
          - Segunda Parte: el estudio del desarrollo del vestuario de la Cenicienta.
          - Tercera Parte: el vestuario de los malvados de Disney.
          - Cuarta Parte: Aquellos personajes que comienzan siendo los malos de la película pero que su desarrollo los llevan a un buen destino.
          - Quinta parte: los buenos de la cinta.

          He disfrutado muchísimo el vestuario de: Cate Blanchett en Cenicienta, Angelina Jolie en Maléfica, Alicia en el País de las Maravillas o la Cruella de Vil de los años 90.
          He descubierto los diseños de Paco Delgado ¡Qué son pura fantasía!

          Lo peor (pequeña advertencia): existe un error de edición, o por lo menos parece tal, en las primeras páginas está directamente la introducción con los inicios de Disney y no es hasta la página 17 que aparece el glosario del libro, para después lanzarse de lleno al resto de partes.

            disney-y-pixar fashion-books
          Profile Image for Kissa.

          177 reviews 2 followers

          April 9, 2022

          A lovely volume covering the history of costuming in the world of Disney from animation to theme park to live action, and brief overviews of signature pic costumes over the years. Having seen many of the outfits featured through the Disney Heroes & Villains exhibit, information technology was fascinating to become a glimpse into the process of creating each look. While there were times I wished in that location was more in-depth discussion on certain costumes, I was still satisfied with the information presented. I loved that they gave attention to well-known looks (i.east. the various Cinderella gowns) likewise as lesser known ones (i.due east. Horvath from The Magician'south Apprentice). It was as well neat reading the career overviews of the various costume designers and getting to encounter what other films they've worked on outside of Disney. Overall, this is a fantastic book for any Disney lover, movie enthusiast, or costume designer (whether professional person or as a hobbyist like a cosplayer) to check out.


          Displaying one - 10 of 22 reviews


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