What Goes With Apple Cider Vinegar to Kill Lice

Many suggest using apple cider vinegar for head lice. But is it really helpful in getting rid of the parasitic insects? Let's discover out.

People believe head lice infect you due to poor hygiene, which isn't true. Several factors lead to head lice infestation. They are a mutual problem, and anyone can get infected past this irritating parasite. Lice can affect your quality of life as it can exist embarrassing to control the constant urge to crawling your scalp before anybody.

Also, getting rid of lice can be irritating as there is an data explosion near the topic. This commodity explores how you can use apple tree cider vinegar to remove lice, its effectiveness, and other all-time ways to remove this parasite. Keep reading to know more.

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Kill Lice?

Unfortunately, the truth remains that while at that place are various anecdotal reports that advise apple cider vinegar kills head lice, there is no clinical or scientific evidence that supports this claim.

Anecdotal reports claim that the acid in apple cider vinegar breaks down the glue that binds the nits to your hair strands. However, these are just untested claims.

Interestingly, a 2004 study compared 6 pop home remedies vinegar, isopropyl alcohol, olive oil, mayonnaise, melted butter, and petroleum jelly to treat caput lice infestations. The researchers institute that none of these methods were a viable treatment for head lice (ane).

If y'all would still like to attempt using apple cider vinegar to go rid of head lice, check out the adjacent section to detect out what you demand to exercise.

How To Get Rid Of Lice With Apple Cider Vinegar

Every bit mentioned earlier, at that place is no scientific evidence that proves apple tree cider vinegar is an constructive fashion to go rid of lice. But, if you would withal like to try your hand at it, here is what you lot need to do:

  1. Mix 1 cup i of apple cider vinegar with 1 loving cup of water.
  2. Slowly pour this solution all over your head, making sure to comprehend all your scalp, behind the ears, and the nape of your neck.
  3. Exit the ACV solution in your hair for fifteen to xx minutes.
  4. Rinse your hair with plain water.
  5. Comb out the lice and nits with a nit rummage.
  6. Keep repeating this process every two days.

Other Ways To Get Rid Of Head Lice

As we have mentioned already apple cider vinegar is not constructive for lice treatment. Here are other effective ways to get rid of lice:

  1. Wet combing your pilus is one of the best means to go rid of caput lice. Co-ordinate to a study conducted in Belgium, wet combing is the easiest way to remove lice (ii). Mix some conditioner with water in a spray bottle and spritz the solution all over your hair. And then, use a nit rummage to remove the lice and eggs.
  2. Yous can besides apply coconut, olive, or almond oil to suffocate the lice. Smothering only helps in making the lice sluggish and slow, thus making it easy to catch them with a nit comb.
  3. You may also endeavor using essential oils similar tea tree oil, lavender oil, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, or clove oil. This technique involves mixing 2 ounces of olive oil with 15-20 drops of the essential oil and applying this blend to your pilus with a cotton brawl. Permit the oil sit down in your hair for 12 hours. Rummage out the lice and nits before you launder off the oil. Repeat this method every solar day till you are sure that there are no live lice or nits left in your hair.
  4. Clean and disinfect all your combs and other hair accessories like pilus clips, hats, and scarves to prevent the lice from spreading.


There is no scientific evidence to prove that apple cider vinegar is constructive in getting rid of lice. The best style to kill lice is by wet combing your hair. Don't worry, it may exist frustrating and embarrassing to get infested by lice. But if yous moisture comb your hair every solar day diligently with a nit comb and in tandem with a chemical solution, y'all tin say adieu to those pesky fiddling pests in just a few days' time!

Ofttimes Asked Questions

How long should you leave apple cider vinegar in your hair for lice?

You can leave apple cider vinegar in your hair for xv-20 minutes. Attempt not to exceed this time limit as it tin disturb the pH balance of your scalp and dry out your hair.

Is coconut oil mixed with apple tree cider vinegar an effective lice treatment?

Though anecdotal evidence suggests that ACV mixed with kokosnoot oil is a good way to go rid of lice, there is no scientific evidence to testify the aforementioned.

Key Takeaways

  • Anecdotal evidence suggests that the acid in apple tree cider vinegar may help treat head lice.
  • Yous can try this remedy at abode by mixing apple cider vinegar with water and applying it all over your scalp every 2 days.
  • Wet-combing your pilus or applying kokosnoot oil are other constructive ways to go rid of head lice.


Articles on StyleCraze are backed past verified information from peer-reviewed and academic enquiry papers, reputed organizations, inquiry institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to larn more.

  1. Domicile remedies to control head lice: assessment of home remedies to control the human head louse, Pediculus humanus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
  2. Moisture combing for caput lice: feasibility in mass screening, treatment preference and consequence

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Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/apple-cider-vinegar-for-head-lice/

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