When I Try to Upload a Picture It Says File Was Empty

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Can you identify your screenshot in your public folder at Microsoft'due south SkyDrive site, then give united states of america a link to the picture and so nosotros can take a look?

Likely, the upload dialog has a filter on it restricting the types of files it volition display.  Notwithstanding, nosotros need more information, and so please upload the screenshot or allow us know the exact bulletin yous see in the empty view.

Shawn "Cmdr" Keene | Microsoft MVP - Windows Insider | CmdrKeene.com | tweet: @CmdrKeene
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Can you place your screenshot in your public folder at Microsoft's SkyDrive site, then requite u.s.a. a link to the film and so we tin take a look?

Probable, the upload dialog has a filter on it restricting the types of files it will display.  However, nosotros need more data, then delight upload the screenshot or let u.s.a. know the exact message yous encounter in the empty view.

I hope I did this right.

I hope this works.  I gave you lot 2 screen shots.  I is from trying to upload a photograph in Facebook.  The other is trying to adhere a file to an email.

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Hello AruppA,

 Give thanks you for the response dorsum.  I am unable to view the information you uploaded to skydrive.  Did you make certain to make this available to everyone?

Delight let united states of america know status.

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Is there a solution for this?  I have the same problem. My Libraries in Windows vii are empty when attempting to attach a file to Gmail.  This just suddenly occurred today. I likewise but discovered that It only occurs in Chrome.

Probably unrelated but also today Outlook 2010 is hung with the message Upgrade Outlook Connector  - Upgrade in Progress.  I ran through uninstalls and reinstalls nevertheless Outlook continues to remain hung.

Are these two bug related?

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Hi Stuart,

I'thou deplorable for the delay in responding.

I'd uncertainty that the issues are related.  For the empty library display, there could be a few reasons.  Here's two that come to mind:

  1. The library itself may no longer be pointing to the correct locations (a library is substantially a shortcut to the place(southward) where the files are really stored).  Y'all can verify that it'due south setup and working by clicking Start, then opening the library from the top-right of the menu.  If the files testify upwardly at that place, you're practiced.
  2. At that place may exist a filetype filter activated in your Chrome "open" dialog box that you're using to browse the library.  Look under the filename box and see if it's fix to filter to a item type.

If yous can allow me know, practise you encounter the files when y'all scan the library straight exterior of Chrome?

Shawn "Cmdr" Keene | Microsoft MVP - Windows Insider | CmdrKeene.com | tweet: @CmdrKeene
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I run into all of the files and folders when clicking into libraries using windows explorer or accessing my personal binder or my documents folder from the link in upper correct of my Kickoff Menu (there isn't a libraries tab and no place to activate it in Start Menu Properties).

It is when I am using Microsoft Office or various (just not all) programs that the libraries announced empty when trying to open up or save a document.

Also at that place are various links broken on various menus in Windows.  For example many of the links in my Command Panel, Icon Bar or when I right click on the Desktop do non work.

In that location is a piece of work around for all the issues but the broken links and lack visible files in Microsoft Office Products is inconvenient.

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Hey Stuart, information technology sounds like at that place is almost certainly some kind of abuse hither, either in the registry or arrangement files.

One quick way to examination is to create a new user account on your computer, and login to it and see if the consequence follows you there.  Since modern versions of Windows (pretty much anything based on NT, but Windows XP and later on for sure) isolate user profiles then securely, near issues cannot corrupt the system on a loftier plenty level to interruption all users globally.  This is also 1 major benefit of UAC (User Account Control).

In whatever case, can y'all see if that helps?  If it does, you lot tin open your user folder (c:\users\stuart) and elevate/drib your files into the new account.

Shawn "Cmdr" Keene | Microsoft MVP - Windows Insider | CmdrKeene.com | tweet: @CmdrKeene
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I tried this a while ago and it did not resolve the issue.  I thought I would try to set up a new user over again today per your suggestion but that detail link on the "Manage Accounts" menu page doesn't work.  I don't retrieve the piece of work-effectually that I figured out last time.

It does announced that it is corrupted and that I need to re-install windows.  Do you take links to whatsoever forum entry on how to practise this as painlessly as possible?  I accept a laptop without an install disk and without a sectionalisation that contains the install files.

I did brand up a windows repair disk and have been making backup but those all turn my machine back to the stone age before I installed all of the software.

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Yikes. Not being able to navigate the control panel typically is a sign of some kind of infection that is trying to block you from repairing your organisation.  Here'southward some steps I'd advise to try to get back working:


What I'd recommend at this signal is to reboot into Condom Mode with Networking, so run the SFC control to replace any modified system files with known-expert backups.

Note:  As you open up webpages on the suspected-to-be-infected figurer, be sure to use "Internet Explorer (No Add-Ons)" manner, institute in your Start menu.  This is basicallya failsafe style for Internet Explorer.  Yous tin can also use an culling browser (Firefox and Chrome have their own condom modes likewise).

Afterward yous accept run the SFC command, takea moment to reset your HOSTS file.  This file controls where websites get directed (it'sa way for the reckoner to interpret something like microsoft.com into the IP accost used to actually locate information technology.  Viruses can hijack this file and cause you to get redirected -- sometimes they fifty-fifty transport you toaIP that looks legit, trying to go yous to provide your password toa faux site.

Even if you don't utilise Cyberspace Explorer regularly, yous should fully reset information technology to ensure nothing in there has been tamped with, including proxy settings and so on.  As I said, this is important even if y'all don't use IE, because many other programs rely on features provided by IE.

After doing that, while still in prophylactic mode, download and run security tools (I recommend running both of these onafull browse).

  • Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool (or here for 64-bit version)


  • Microsoft Security Essentials (based on MS Forefront Enterprise Security)

This should have yous well on your way to removing any infection, if present, simply also clearing whatever modifications that may have taken identify to cause your effect.  Please allow us know the results or if y'all get stuck on any step.

Shawn "Cmdr" Keene | Microsoft MVP - Windows Insider | CmdrKeene.com | tweet: @CmdrKeene
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Hi,I am having the same prob. with folders in documents. Untill Nov iv I had no prob. viewing all of my photos in each and every file. At present I only meet a thumbnail of a daisy over and over. I tin can clic on one and retrieve it with phot store merely equally I didn't name each photograph that really doesn't help. Can't i go back to where I was? Please help me set up this? *** Electronic mail address is removed for privacy ***

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Source: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/why-are-my-libraries-empty-when-i-am-attaching-a/9dc7487e-000a-48aa-bde2-2f125f051284

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